clear; Fs=44100; % Sampling rate (Hz) f0=440; % Tone pitch (Hz) AdB=-18; % Amplitude (dB) Afull=1; % Full range amplitude is 1 Duration=1; % Tone duration (s) N=Duration*Fs; % Computes total samples Ts=1/Fs; % Computes Samling Period (s) Alin = 10^(AdB/20); % Convert Amplitude from dB to linear for (n=0:N-1) s(n+1)=Alin*sin(2*pi*f0*n*Ts); % n is the time index (t=n*Ts) end plot(s(1:fix(10*(Fs/f0)))); % show it graphically %plot(s); s = audioplayer(s,Fs); % play it play(s);